Uncovering The Resilient Core: A Workbook on the Treatment of Narcissistic Defenses, Shame, and Emerging Authenticity

Uncovering the Resilient Core provides a comprehensive and inclusive methodology that guides the therapist into the nuances and complexities of the therapeutic relationship throughout the entire course of treatment.

With its psychodynamic/relational orientation, this Workbook is unique in that it begins with character pathology in its widest spectrum and moves in depth to understanding and treating corrosive shame, dissociation, trauma and narcissism, including narcissism’s many hidden cultural and dynamic manifestations. The applied nature of this text draws from a wide variety of case examples as well as progressive therapeutic techniques designed to help deepen therapeutic listening skills.

“No offense intended to any of my other esteemed colleagues (or to myself for that matter), but were I to be alone on a desert island with only one book, this is the book that I would want to have – and I would read and reread it many times over, each time gleaning something new and inspirational.”

―Martha’s Stark, MD

Praise for Uncovering The Resilient Core

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